Saturday, October 22, 2011

A Place that Means a lot to me

             This place was where I went to middle school and high school. The pictures bring back many pleasant memories. I remember the classes I was in were tough; every other night, I got to stay up till midnight in order to finish my homework on time. Other than dealing with busy school works, I also allotted time for school band’s practices. We had competitions, and performances quite often, sometime we practiced five days a week after school, and most competitions and performances were at the weekends.  There is no doubt that I spent a lot of time in school, maybe 11 hours a day, which was crazy. At a point, I actually did see my friends more often than my families. Fortunately, I received good grade in school, and the band got lots of commendations as well. It’s hard to believe how I accomplished all that. I think the biggest reason that made me enjoy my busy days was because my supportive friends. I have friends that are willing to stay up late with me discussing homework and sharing with me in distress. I have friends that will go hangout with me after a long day of school and band practices. Now that we won’t see each other every day anymore as we all separated in different colleges and locations. However, I’m glad that our friendship didn't started and ended at the same place, it feels good to have supportive friends. Indeed, I do miss the good old days.

Saturday, October 15, 2011

Balloon Twisting Lesson

I’m going to teach you balloon twisting!
For beginner, I think it is easier to start with a balloon dog.

Things you need:
              Twisty balloons & a Hand Pump

  1. Inflate a balloon about 3 inches from the end, then tie a knot.
  2. To create the head, twist the balloon in a circular motion at about 2 inches from the knot.
  3. To form the ears, fold balloon (about 3 inches) to create a loop and rotate the twist 2 or 3 times. Do this step twice.
  4. Then, for the neck, twist the balloon into a 2 inches bubble.
  5. For the front legs, folded (about  3 inches) and twist the balloon to create a loop
  6. Next the body, twist the balloon to make a 3 inches bubble.
  7. For the back legs, repeat step 5.
  8. Finally, whatever remained will be the tail.

The hardest thing for beginner is to hold all the parts together. While you are twisting the parts, the previous parts you made always tend to bounce back to the original shape. I think balloon twisting is not hard at all, as long as you learn where to place your fingers.

Be creative, you can find yourself making many new and exciting pieces.

Sunday, October 2, 2011

My Favorite Childhood Memory of Playing in the Snow

My favorite childhood memory of playing in the snow was making snow angle. I remember it was a windy afternoon, when I first learn how to make an angle on the snow. Right after my Mum showed me how it’s done, I did the same things just like my Mum did; I laid on the top of the snow, I swayed both my arms and legs. I was really excited, I stood up and looked at my angle, but my angel wasn’t there. I was disappointed and was wondering why my angel flew away.

The reason why my angel disappeared was because the snow was pretty hard and I was just a little kid, wasn’t heavy enough to press the snow down. I did figure that out later. Since I knew what the problem was, so I asked my brother for some extra help. I had him press my body down, also help me to sway my arms and legs to shape the angle. So the second time when I stood up and looked at the angel I just made, it did look a little bit different than I imaged. There were many foot prints around my angle, not exactly pretty but it is meaningful to me.